Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday, May 4th

I write on this blog after Annie is in bed asleep. I give her all her night medicines, wait until she's asleep, then I put this video monitor on the computer desk so I can watch her while I write. An anonymous angel gave us this video monitor. It has saved my sanity. I move it next to the bed at night and the audio is so sensitive, I can hear her food I can hear anything else too. Having it has been a load off my mind and blood pressure. So imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning at 2:00 AM and looked onto the monitor to see one of the kids (I won't name names) sleepwalking into Annie's room. Fortunately, it didn't take long to direct that child back to his or her bed.

These last couple of weeks have been tough--Annie has been throwing up just about every day. I've been in touch with her nurses to try to figure out why. Maybe her medicines, maybe her gut is a bit's a puzzle. Tonight she was close to losing her groceries--but kept herself together for the most part. But even with this problem, she keeps moving forward in her attention span, stamina, and balance. Speech is still hit or miss--she was calling me from upstairs the other day--David was sitting with her, and she was just hollering "Maaamaaaa," which of course, is the best word in the whole world. But, for the most part, she's not "talking" alot. Keep knocking on God's door for her, okay?


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